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Shopping Cart Troubleshooting
Q: I have large digital images and your cart would not let me to upload it, what is the easiest way to resize photos to smaller size?
A: The easiest way is using a free Windows XP download called the Image Resizer

Read how to use Image Resizer

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Q: Can´t add item to cart, what can I do?
A: Minimum browser´s requirements to use shopping cart

  1. Accept cookies / Enable cookies
  2. Default or medium level Internet security zone
  3. Default or medium privacy settings
  4. Enable pop-ups
  5. Enable JavaScript

If you are experiencing problems with shopping cart, it is likely that you have a corrupted cookie.
The easiest way to fix this problem is to clear cookies from your computer and clear your web browser´s temporary files.
Click here and follow the instructions to delete and enable cookies.
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